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Title : Spaced Out with Probed Out - Edition 1: Hello
Date Added : 2004-05-11 07:57:04

Hello all! For all of you that don’t know me, I’m Probed Out, one of the many active members of the Game Score community, which in my opinion, is the best out there, so if you want to share your opinions with some of the most educated people in the gaming community, I advise the GS forums where you can talk about games, movies, consoles, humour or anything else that tickles you’re fancy (within reason of course), with members like NeoGenIc, Dom, Joshua, IrishChic123, GeoCivics, MaxxRonin, matrix, many, many more and Daniel (Who is thy Game Score God). So without further ado, here is the first ever, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (no pun or copyright infringement intended)

This is a first for me (and GS, I think), in that it is a column of my thoughts and opinions that are relevant to life and the on goings of Game Score. That is all they are; opinions. If you disagree with anything I say here, that is fine and your opinion, I’m just here to write mine. I’m not a professional writer, nor am I an educated games designer, publisher or test player (It costs me money just like you), I’m just a person, which is all you will read here, personal opinions. Please don’t go buying something because of me, or believing something to be 100% true. I am human, just as you, so we all make mistakes. Anyway this first edition of Spaced Out is just an introduction to me, a g’day and a how ya’ going before we get into gaming business. I can’t set a definite time for when I release new editions, but I can tell you I’m just as eager to write them as you hopefully are to read them. Feel free to drop me a line at probed_out@hotmail.com with comments, questions or requests; whether it be games you want me to talk about, movies, politics, animals, if you want to have you recognized on my official “Birthday’s Since the Last Edition” section (Yes, I am in a corny mood today), if you want me to pass on information or something, or want me to offer me a high paid job *cough* *cough*. And if you are with the Federal Investigation Bureau, please use this address, www.idonthavethedrugsorthemoneysoplease

You guys knew I was joking about the FBI thing didn’t you? I guess false criminal behavior is much harder easier to get in person than black text on the net.

A-n-way back to business. For all you Yanks and Brits out there, I have terrible news, I am Australian. I have Australian time (it is currently 5:40am when I am writing this), and I have Australian release dates. We still haven’t got games here that were released in the US, like .hack and Xenosaga. While over there you might be saving up for Halo 2, Doom 3 or Half-Life 2, I’m currently wetting myself on the pending release date of Ninja Gaiden. Oh well, that’s what we get for being a secondary country. We’ve got the best sporting teams, though. So I’ll try and keep the rest of the world in mind as I write SO’d, but we are an unusually slow country.

As for the features of this site, I’ll basically try and some up the current state of gaming, what’s new, what I’ve (re)discovered. I won’t take news articles directly, nor will I give links, but will try to give complete un-pirated information. Anyway I’ll blabbing so I’ll move on. Every July 25th I’ll release n exclusive list of award winning games, etc. that get the highest prestiege in my life, the Probie. The Probies will be a special edition in which I’ll write about the best of the year and/or ever. I’ll do a “Year in Review” edition towards the end of the year, and with the release of many a world class game, this year is looking snazzy, and maybe be only topped by the release of the next gen consoles late next year (Gee, time flies). At the end of each edition I’ll post 10 Trivia Challenge Questions. Email or PM (that’ only available if you sign up to the forums, registration is free and well worth it) the answers to me, and anyone that gets 10/10 will get a mention in the next edition. If you get 10/10 questions 10 times in a row, you also will be awarded a Probie (award not actually real or worth any amount of economic or prestigious value). I’ll also include a super hard question called the “PO’s Question to Make You PO’d” and be honest No Ask Jeeves, Google or search engines. 10 of those correct in a row earn you a Probie place on the Trivia Hall of Fame. You might see more features pop up over time, I’ll usually explain it in its debut edition. If not, feel free to remind me.

So until next time, keep occupied with the GS Reviews, Previews, News, Articles & Forums, and remember, when I’m the star of Terminator 7, my writings may be worth something. So Happy Birthday to anyone out there of that category. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mummies celebrating (and all the children and husbands, ect. that are buying presents and trying to keep them pleased), I’m not sure when exactly it is being celebrated if it is, but none-the-less, good to be safe. And have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

-Probed Out, Matt

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