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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Twisted Metal 2 : World Tour

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Game Name : Twisted Metal 2 : World Tour
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:46:00
Views : 42175

Cheat :
Play as Minion:
1. Go to the car select screen.
2. Press L1, Up, Down and Left.
3. Minion will appear between Shadow and Hammerhead.

Play as Sweet Tooth:
1. Go to the car select screen.
2. Press Up, L1, Triangle and Right.
3. Sweet Tooth should be selectable.

Advanced Attack:
1. Push Up, Down, Up, Up, R2.
2. This allows any vehicle to fire Minion's special weapon.
3. It does drain most of the Advanced Attack bar.

Mega Machine Guns:
1. Hold R2 while pressing Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down and Up.

Advanced Attacks:

Attack -- Code
Cloak -- Right, Down, Left, Up
Freeze Blast -- Left, Right, Up
Rear Freeze -- Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Up
Jump -- Up, Up, Left
Mine -- Right, Left, Down
Napalm -- Right, Left, Up
Rear Attack -- Left, Right, Down
Shield -- Up, Up, Right
Minion Attack -- Up, Down, Up, Up, Machine Gun

Note: Minion's Attack can be used by any vehicle.

Blow up the Bridges in Moscow:
Place and detonate a Remote in the very middle of the arena on the purple and green pad. The four bridges will blow-up and weapons will appear after the bridges have disappeared.

Blow up the Eiffel Tower:
In Paris, lay a remote bomb on top of the Eiffel Tower. When you blow it up, it will fall over a form a bridge to the rooftops.

For best results, wait for someone to enter the tower before triggering the remote. If your timing is right they'll lose half their life!

Blow up the Hollywood Sign:
When you start on the first stage drive down on the road and when you see the hollywood sign on the mountain shoot a couple of missiles at it until the words blow up!

Bonus Tracks:
These codes must be entered at the track selection screen for a two player challenge match. If you entered them correctly you will hear a loud noise and the Character Select screen will appear.

Level -- Code
Jet Moto -- Up, Down, Right, R1
Rooftops -- Down, Left, R1, Down
Cyburbia -- Down, Up, L1, R1

Change Camera Angle:
For a midair view, hold UP and press SELECT. For a helicopter view, hold UP and press SELECT again.

Change Two-Player Layout:
In any 2 player mode, Hold UP and press SELECT to change the layout. For example, if the screen is split vertically then entering this code will change it to a horizontal split.

Defeating Darktooth:
Make sure you have at least 10 remotes, it might be hard to kill the other bosses without remotes, but it's worth it. Next freeze DarkTooth, and get next to him but make sure he is frozen, then put on your shield, get your remotes and blow him up. It should take him out instantly. Normally it would take a while to blow all the remotes up, but with this code it takes 3 seconds to blow them all.

Destroy the "Lightning Tazer" in Moscow:
In Moscow, you can destroy the "Lightning Tazer." All that you have to do is use a Napalm to shoot it as you jump from one bridge across to the other.

Exchange Weapons for Life:
To trade your weapons for extra life, press Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, Up, Down, Down while playing.

Note: You must have enough power to perform this code as it will empty all your weapons. The more weapons you have, the more life you'll receive.

Extra Energy:
You can gain extra energy on any level where you can run over people. To do so, just run over 10 of the unfortunate victims.

God Mode:
While playing, hold scroll up/scroll down (weapon change), fire weapon, and machine gun buttons and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up.

Homing Napalm:
Obtain three Napalms. Shoot one off, but don't release the fire button. While holding the fire button, press Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Right, Right. If done correctly, you will receive 12+ napalm, and in 1-player mode you will see the words "Homing Napalm" at the top of the screen.

Hong Kong Tip:
In Hong Kong at the docks there are high fences with water behind them. Move against the fence at ground level. When a car approaches, move two car-lengths up and plant a mine. If you do it right, your opponent will fly over your head and fall into the water. He or she will instanly set on fire and be fried within three seconds!

While playing, hold the Scroll Up and Scroll Down buttons and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up.

Jump the Fence in LA Rumble:
Get on top of the tunnel without the teleporter on it. Enter the God Mode code, then face the other tunnel and place a remote bomb at the edge of the tunnel. Now line up your car with the center of the long wooden panel on the near end of the other tunnel. Back up a little, detonate the bomb, and hit your turbos fast. If you did this trick right you'll jump the fence!

Mega Guns:
While playing, hold the Machine Gun button and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up. Your machine gun now has the power of a missile!

New look for the Statue of Liberty:
On the New York level find the Statue of liberty and shoot a missile at her. An explosion will occur and she will become a blond in a swimsuit. Shoot a second missile at her and she will become deformed and blow up.

No Radar:
While playing, press Select and Left together to make the radar disappear.

Play as Minion:
Press L1, Up, Down, Left at the Car Selection screen.

Play as Sweet Tooth:
Press Up, L1, Triangle, Right at the Car Selection screen.

Random Car Select:
To choose a vehicle at random, press R1 on the car select screen.

Rear View Mirror:
While playing, press Select and Right together to show the rear view mirror.

Shut Off A Code:
To shut off a code while playing re-enter the code, and the code should be off.

Subway Ride:
You can recharge your health and specials with this trick. In Hong Kong, enter the subway tracks, then jump on the train and stay there. When you go up through an archway you should here a bang and see the message "Free Train Ride" at the top of the screen.

Unlimited Ammo:
While playing, hold the L2 + R2 and quickly press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up.

Weapon List:
While playing, press Select and Down together to have the weapon list display.

Wheels of Death:
While playing, hold R1 and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, UP. Apparently this only works for Axel, but if you entered it, you can do more damage than a power missle just by barely tapping someone else.

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