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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2

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Game Name : Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:44:43
Views : 13584

Cheat :
Cheat codes:
To enter these codes, pause the game then hold L1 and enter the code.

Cheat mode:
X, X, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Down, Left, Up, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X, Triangle, Circle.

Special meter always full:
X, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Up, Left, Triangle, Square.

Raise stats to 10:
X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

Turbo mode:
Down, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle, Down, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle.

Blood mode:
Right, Up, Square, Triangle.

Bigger skater:
X, X, X, X, Left, X, X, X, X, Left, X, X, X, X, Left.

Thinner skater:
X, X, X, X, Square, X, X, X, X, Square, X, X, X, X, Square.

Big heads:
Square, Circle, Up, Left, Left, Square, Right, Up, Left. Neversoft skaters:
Up, Square, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, Circle, Triangle. Then create a skater and name it like any of the members of the Neversoft development team.

Unlock cheats:
To unlock the following cheats you have to clear every goal and collect all the cash on every level and competition with any character except Officer Dick, Tony Hawk, or Spider-Man.
The cheats are unlocked in the following order:

1st time Unlock Officer Dick
2nd time Skip to Restart
3rd time Kid Mode
4th time Perfect Balance
5th time Always Special
6th time Max stats
7th time Weight mode
8th time Wireframe mode
9th time Slow-Nic mode (slow motion tricks)
10th time Big Head mode
11th time Sim Mode (realistic physics)
12th time Smooth mode (no textures)
13th time Moon mode (low gravity)
14th time Disco mode (disco lights)
15th time Level Flip (mirrored levels)

Unlock Neversoft Bail video:
Get 3 Gold medals with Officer Dick.

Unlock Spiderman:
Beat the game with 100% with a created skater.

Unlock The Spiderman Skate video:
Get 3 Gold medals with Spiderman.

Unlock Private Carrera:
Execute all the gaps in each of the regular levels.

Unlock the Neversoft Makes video:
Get 3 Gold medals with Private Carrera.

Unlock McSqueeb:
Beating the game with 100% with Tony Hawk.

Unlock McSqueeb video:
Get 3 gold medals with McSqueeb

Unlock Chopper Drop: Hawaii level:
Get 3 Gold medals with every character.

Unlock Skate Heaven level:
(submitted by: Hilary L.)
To be able to skate the Heaven level you have to complete all objectives in career mode with the original characters, spider man, office dick, a custom skater.

Unlock the gym doors:
(submitted by: JMac1724@aol.com)
You must wall ride one bell, then grind the opensezme rail all beofre 1:40. I suggest you ride the very first bell and then head straight for the rail, the doors will remain open from then on.

Freestlyn move:
(submitted by: .eRic.)
Turn auto kick off in the options menu under Player 1 controls. While playing with Rodney Mullen, do the Casper to 360 Flip special move (Down, Right, Circle) while standing still. note: ollie to finish move.

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