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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

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Game Name : Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2007-12-08 23:13:17
Views : 24310

Hold back then press X, X, A, B, A.

Slow motion mode
During the game, hold back then hit Y, Y, B, X, A.

Team God-mode
Warning: You cannot finish the game with this cheat turned on. Hold back, then hit B, A, Y, Y, B, A, X, X, X.

Wheelchair characters
During the game hold back then press A, A, A, X, B, Y to have characters in wheelchairs!

Chicken head mode
During the game, hold back then hit X, X, Y, A, B.

Enable cheat mode
Finish every objective in single player.

Helium mode
During the game, hold back then press X, A, Y, B, X.

Huge head mode
During the game, hold back then hit A, X, B, Y, A.

Chicken explosives
Press Back then press X(2), Y, A, B during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Paper mode
Press Back then press B, A, X, Y, A during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Characters will be two dimensional in this mode.

Slow motion
Press Back then and press Y(2), B, X, A during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

High pitched voices
Press Back then press X, A, Y, B, X during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Good weapon
In multi-player mode, choose a rifleman and get Kit 6 (MP5 SD, extra ammunition). This kit will almost win every battle because it has a 30 shot clip and you can walk while looking in the scope. You will have great accuracy with most of the shots. It really does not matter what gun your opponent chooses, unless they select the same kit. The M136 and other powerful weapons take a long time to aim.

Purple Heart: Get wounded or killed in action.
Bronze Star: Get 15 kills
Silver Star: Get 20 kills
Distinguished Service Cross: Get 25 kills
Congressional Medal Of Honor: Get 30 kills

Easy mission completion
Use the following trick to complete missions without doing the objectives. Play the mission like firefight mode. Once you kill everybody, the mission is automatically complete with all objectives done.

Start a campaign by selecting "Unassign" to empty all team members. Choose only one man for one team (A or B) if you want an easier Medal of Honor, etc. You can keep a second team as a backup at the insertion point and on hold, suppress and in the prone position (if desired), if your one man is properly equipped with the correct weapons to meet all of the objectives. Before any shooting commences, enter the pause menu and choose "Quick Save". Then, seek and destroy all enemies using only this one man team. As soon as you eliminate an enemy or enemies, pause game play again and do another quick save before continuing your mission. If you should somehow get killed, do not select "Restart" during the mission. Instead, select "Reload" and continue from your last quick save.

On a mission that you are having trouble on, tell the other team to go to a point then follow them. This will help you find where you are supposed to go.

If you are stuck on a quick mission, try these teams. Team Alpha: any three rifleman; Team Bravo: Henry Ramirez (MP5SD, M9 SD), Nigel Tunney (SA80, M136), and Jack Stone (L96A1, M9 SD). First, put Team Bravo in a safe place and do not switch to them until all of Team Alpha gets killed. Try to get as far as you can with Team Alpha before they die, then switch to Team Bravo. You should be able to complete the mission this way.

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