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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Gears Of War

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Game Name : Gears Of War
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2008-02-08 01:15:04
Views : 25680

Cheat mode
Create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "WarInput.ini" file found in either of the following folders:

In Windows XP: "\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\My Games\Gears of War\"

In Windows Vista: "\<username>\Documents\My Games\Gears of War for Windows\Wargame\Config\"

Add or change the following lines in the file.


Start the game and press ~ to display the console window. Note: Enabling a code will prevent achievements from becoming unlocked.
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGBaird DefaultHealth <number>Set Baird's default health
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGCarmine DefaultHealth <number>Set Carmine's default health
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGGus DefaultHealth <number>Set Cole's default health
set WarfareGame.Pawn_COGDom DefaultHealth <number>Set Dom's default health
set warfaregame.weap_cogpistol magsize <number>Set handgun clip size
set WarfareGame.Weap_AssaultRifle magsize <number>Set Lancer clip size
set warfaregame.weap_locustpistol magsize <number>Set Magnum handgun clip size
set WarfareGame.Pawn_COGMarcus DefaultHealth <number>Set Marcus' default health
set WarfareGameContent.Pawn_COGMinh DefaultHealth <number>Set Minh's default health
set WarfareGame.Weap_Grenade magsize <number>Set number of grenades
set warfaregame.weap_locustassaultrifle magsize <number>Set semi-automatic clip size
set warfaregame.weap_shotgun magsize <number>Set shotgun clip size
set WarfareGame.Weap_SniperRifle magsize <number>Set sniper rifle clip size
set WarfareGameContentWeapons.Weap_Bow magsize <number>Set Torque Bow clip size

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.

Additionally there is one secret achievement which is currently unknown.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
A Dish Best Served Cold (30 pts)Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore Difficulty.
Always Remember Your First (10 pts)Finish playing a versus ranked match.
Around the World (20 pts)Win a ranked match on every versus map.
Broken Fingers (30 pts)Defeat a Corpser on Hardcore Difficulty.
Can't Touch Me (20 pts)Win 10 ranked matches without losing a round.
Capital Punishment (20 pts)Kill an enemy with an execution in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
Clusterluck (20 pts)Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty):
Commando (30 pts)Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 1 on Casual (10 pts)Complete Act 1 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 1 on Hardcore (20 pts)Complete Act 1 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 1 on Insane (30 pts)Complete Act 1 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 2 on Casual (10 pts)Complete Act 2 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 2 on Hardcore (20 pts)Complete Act 2 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 2 on Insane (30 pts)Complete Act 2 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 3 on Casual (10 pts)Complete Act 3 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 3 on Hardcore (20 pts)Complete Act 3 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 3 on Insane (30 pts)Complete Act 3 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 4 on Casual (10 pts)Complete Act 4 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 4 on Hardcore (20 pts)Complete Act 4 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 4 on Insane (30 pts)Complete Act 4 on Insane Difficulty.
Completed Act 5 on Casual (10 pts)Complete Act 5 on Casual Difficulty.
Completed Act 5 on Hardcore (20 pts)Complete Act 5 on Hardcore Difficulty.
Completed Act 5 on Insane (30 pts)Complete Act 5 on Insane Difficulty.
Curb Appeal (20 pts)Kill an enemy with a curb stomp in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
Dom-curious (10 pts)Complete 1 co-op chapter as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
Domination (20 pts)Complete 10 different co-op chapters as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
Don't Hate the Player (10 pts)Finish with the highest points in a ranked match.
Don't Hurt 'Em (20 pts)Kill an enemy with the Hammer of Dawn in 100 multiplayer (Player or
Don't You Die On Me (10 pts)Revive a teammate in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds.
Fall Down Go Boom (20 pts)Kill an enemy with the Boomshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
For the Fallen (30 pts)Recover all of the COG tags (on any difficulty):
Honor-Bound (20 pts)Recover two-thirds of the COG tags (on any difficulty):
I Can't Quit You Dom (30 pts)Complete all acts in co-op as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty.
I Spy with My Little Eye (20 pts)Kill an enemy with the Longshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
Is It a Spider? (20 pts)Kill an enemy with a grenade tag in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
It's a Massacre (10 pts)Kill an enemy with the Chainsaw in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
Mercenary (10 pts)Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty.
Mix It Up (20 pts)Win a ranked match in every versus game type.
My Love for You Is Like a Truck (30 pts)Defeat a Berserker on Hardcore Difficulty.
Not So Serious ... (20 pts)Kill 10,000 people in versus player match total.
Pistolero (20 pts)Kill an enemy with a pistol in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
Prison Breakout (10 pts)Complete tutorial level on any skill level.
Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds.
Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds.
Seriously ... (40 pts)Kill 10,000 people in versus ranked match total.
Soldier (20 pts)Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty.
The Money Shot (20 pts)Kill an enemy with a headshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked): matches of 3+ rounds.
The Nuge (20 pts)Kill an enemy with the Torque Bow in 100 multiplayer (Player or
Time to Remember (10 pts)Recover one-third of the COG tags (on any difficulty):
Zen and the Art of Reloading (10 pts)Perform 25 perfect active reloads (on any difficulty):
Zen and the Art Part 2 (20 pts)Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (on any difficulty):

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