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Game Name : Splinter Cell : Double Agent
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2006-09-12 15:40:49
Views : 20119

Ellsworth Penitentiary: Get back to cell
When you sneak out of your cell by crawling under the bed and getting the walkie-talkie, you must get back under the time limit. When you are up on the grating, instead of taking the pipe down drop off. You will knock out a guard. Then, go back to your cell and act normal. The grating is the only way down.

Disposing Hisham's body
If you are going to kill Hisham, wait until he is down in the parking space. Kill him and pick up his body. Walk to the back of the red car and put him in the back. Press Place Charge and stand back. Detonate it and the "Opportunity Objective complete - Dispose of Hisham's body" will appear.

Bonus equipment
Complete the following special objectives in single player mode to unlock the corresponding item.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Electric Lock PickPrimary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP Device - EnhancedPrimary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
EMP GrenadeSecondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
EMP Grenade - AttachmentSecondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Explosive Sticky Camera-AttachmentSecondary objectives in the Iceland Assignment.
Frag Grenade - AttachmentPrimary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Gas GrenadePrimary objectives in JBA HQ 1.
Gas Grenade - AttachmentSecondary objectives in the Cozumel Assignment.
Hacking Device - Force Hack UpgradePrimary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Hacking Device - Software UpgradeSecondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Night Vision - EnhancedPrimary objectives in JBA HQ 3.
Shotgun Shell - AttachmentSecondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Smoke Grenade - AttachmentSecondary objectives in the Shanghai Assignment.
Sonic Grenade - AttachmentPrimary objectives in JBA HQ 2.
Ultrasonic emitterSecondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.
Wall Mine - FlashSecondary objectives in the Okhotsk Assignment.
Wall Mine-stunSecondary objectives in the Ellsworth Assignment.

Alternate endings
In the last mission, When the bomb is disarmed, a number of different endings can play out. To unlock each ending take the following steps below.

Note: The targets listed below are the Crouse Ship, Hisham, and Lambert.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Ending A: GoodNSA trust above 33%, and you managed to save at least two of the three targets.
Ending B: NormalNSA trust below 33%, but you managed to save the three targets. Or destroy two of the three targets, and NSA trust above 33%.
Ending C: BadDestroy/Kill all three targets. Or Destroy/Kill two of the targets, and NSA trust below 33%.

Elite Difficulty
The Elite difficulty is unlocked after beating the main storyline once.

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