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Game Name : The Matrix : Path of Neo
System : Xbox
Date Added : 2006-01-31 05:59:22
Views : 25993

Unlock The One
The Burly Brawl (Defeat 30 Smiths, (A briefcase appears in the center of the level. Pick it up and clear the stage.)

Unlock Storyboard Sequence 2
In 'The Frenchman' Level, Kill The First Few Enemies Then In The Dungeon Area Go To the red cross Then Go Right & Pick Up The Briefcase, Then Finish

God Mod
Successful complete "The One Difficulty mode"

Unbreakable Melee Combat Weapons
Successful complete "Easy difficulty mode"

Consume/Drain Mode
Successful complete "Normal difficulty mode"

Completion bonuses:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the "Unbreakable Melee Weapons" and "Bullet Reflection" options. Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the "Vampiric Health" and "All Weapons" options. Successfully complete the game under The One difficulty setting to unlock the "Infinite Health" option.

Unlock Machine Gun Kick
Stage- The Chase "I need an Exit" (Find the breifcase in the corner of the market area behind the fruit stands. clear the stage)

Unlock Storyboard Sequence 1
In The Level 'Red Pill' Select Mission 'The Key' and then complete the bonus objective in the second room, simply don't use any guns

Infinite Ammo
Successful complete "Normal Difficulty mode"

Special Combos and their locations
The Codebreaker: L+B, tap Y, B, tap Y
Quick Kicks: Y x4, L + Y, B + Y
Machine Gun Kick: Y x5, L + Y, B + Y, tap Y
Ultimate Hyper Strike: Y x4, L + Y, B + Y, L + B, Y
The Beginning of the end: Y x4, L + Y, B + Y, L + B, tap Y
The One: Y x5, L + Y, B + Y, tap Y, L + B, tap Y, B, tap Y, press A as neo dose the uppercut, spin Left Analog Stick 360 at peak of jump

Collect the hidden briefcases to unlock various bonuses. Note: Some briefcases are given as rewards for completing hidden objectives.

Unlock Ultimate Hyper Strike
Stage- Redpill rescue: The Security Guard (Defeat the SWAT team on the stairs in the given time limit and clear the stage)

Bullet Refrection
Successful complete "Easy difficulty mode"

The One mode:
Successfully complete the first level (Lobby Dreams) without dying to unlock The One difficulty setting, which is the hardest difficulty setting.

Unlock The Codebreaker
Stage- Weapon training (Find the briefacse among the operator's secret stash in the upstairs corridor, when returning to teahouse. clear the stage)

Unlock Zion Archives
Choose the glyph in the 8 o'clock position in the Atman Principles

Unlock The Beginning of the End
Stage- Seraph's Apology (After returning to the teahouse from the theater, destroy one of the tables and all eight support columns in the room.

Unlock Quick kicks
Stage- Storming the Drain (In the second to last room, touch the top two platforms in the room and clear the stage)

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