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Game Name : Tomb Raider 3 : Adventures of Lara Croft
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2006-02-04 04:59:58
Views : 24253

Racetrack key in Lara's mansion
Quickly press [R2], [L2]x3, [R2], [L2]x6, [R2], [L2]x5, [R2], [L2]x2 during game play.

Enable the code, then go to the hedges with the keyhole. Insert the key and go through the gate that opens on your left. Go up the stairs to find the four wheeler on the obstacle course. To get on, walk up to the side and press [X]. To get off, hold the D-Pad + [Circle]. Pressing [Right] exits to the right and vice versa.

Full health
Quickly press [R2]x2, [L2], [R2], [L2]x6, [R2], [L2]x3, [R2], [L2]x5 during game play.

All Hallowed bonus level
Complete the normal levels and unlock all the secrets. The "All secrets" code may be used to do this instantly. The "All Hallows" level will appear at the "Load Game" screen. It is an extra London level.

Lock butler in freezer
Have the butler follow you until you get into the freezer. Climb up the step where all the meat is located. When he stops moving, run out and press the button. You will no longer have the annoying butler groaning and following you.

All secrets
Quickly press [L2]x5, [R2], [L2]x3, [R2], [L2], [R2], [L2]x2, [R2], [L2]x2, [R2], [L2]x2 during game play. Lara will say "No" to confirm correct code entry. Enabling this code will also unlock the "All Hallowed" bonus level.

Monkey sighting
Go down the slide in the first level, and jump when you see a log. You will be able to see a monkey on the log.

Finding Lara's basement and race course key
Go to the Library. When Lara walks in the doorway, there are two bookcases to the right. Approach the one on the left and press "Action". Lara will pull a book and the fire will extinguish, allowing her to climb up the side wall inside the fireplace. After reaching the top, follow the passageways until reaching a room with two levels, with a lever on the top level. Pull the block that is on the floor towards the lever. When Lara pulls the switch, the basement door will temporarily open. Quickly run through the attic, and down to the main hall to reach the basement. Once in the basement, walk through to the second room and look in the tank on the right side. Inside are keys to the race course. To collect it, pull the block in the other room to the center. Climbing up to that hall leads to the tank. Then, proceed out of the attic. Do not go back down the fireplace, as it has been re-lit.

Dive into water
Hold [R1] and jump forward.

Get on top of Lara's mansion
Go on the rope slide platform. Face the right wall an eighth of the way, so she is looking at the corner. Press [Jump], and while in the air, press "Look" and [Down]. Release the buttons before landing. Do this twice. When you get on top of the right pillar, jump to the left pillar, then do a running jump to reach the top of the mansion.

Alternately, go to the right wall, face it, then jump and immediately press [Square], look down and move forward.

Get through the quicksand
To get through the quicksand on the first level, enable the "All weapons" code. Go to the quicksand, walk into it, and keep going until your health starts to drop. When your health blinks (in the red), press [Select] to display the items screen. Go to Large Medi Pack and select it. Keep doing this until you are out of the quicksand.

Lara's museum
Activate the switch on the back of the diving board in Laura's pool room. Go to the door it opens in her lobby. Pull the lever, and quickly roll. Sprint straight across her lobby and roll into her museum, barely making it in time. The Dagger of Xian among other artifacts are in her museum.

Break Lara's neck
Climb to the monkey bars in the gym and walk to the edge. While holding [R1] + [Forward], press [Square] and she will dive off. When she hits the ground, she will break her neck.

Use three weapons simultaneously
Quickly press [L2]x2, [R2]x2, [R1], [L1], [R2], [L1]x3, [L2]x3, [L1], [R1]x3, [R2] during game play.

High Security Compound: Killing MP men
When you are in the cell in the High Security Compound level, jump backwards. The MP man will enter and try to punch you. Run out and press the buttons on each side of you cell. These will open the cells next to you, and the prisoners who are released will attack the MP man. Sometimes only one will kill him, but usually you need to open most of the cells since the MP man can kill the prisoners.

Thames Wharf: Shortcut
Go to the first catwalk. Run down it, roll, run back, and jump the building. Head up the block and onto the building. Walk forward, then jump from the ledge. Fill your health and save the game. Turn right and run down the catwalk to the open area. Roll and run. Make a 45 degree jump over the right gate when you are to about two blocks from the building. If done correctly, you will land on a sloped surface. Slide down into the barbed wire. Refill your health and jump up onto the block. The level will end.

Level skip
Quickly press [L2], [R2], [L2]x2, [R2], [L2], [R2], [L2], [R2], [L2]x4, [R2], [L2], [R2]x4, [L2] during game play. Lara will say "No" to confirm correct code entry.

Super weapons in training mode (Lara's home)
Start a new game, then enable the "All weapons" code. Enable the "Level skip" code until you pass levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 . You will now get the globe, asking you to choose your next adventure. Select "London". Exit the game and go to Lara's home. All the weapons are now in your possession, even if their pictures do not appear in the inventory. However, you can only use the Desert Eagle.

Flip in the air
Instead of jumping forward or backward and pressing "Roll" immediately, press the opposite direction. For example, if you jump forward, immediately press [Down] and Lara will do a flip in the air. Do the opposite if you jump backwards.

All weapons, medkits, flares and save crystals
Quickly press [L2], [R2]x2, [L2]x4, [R2], [L2], [R2]x2, [L2], [R2]x2, [L2]x2, [R2], [L2]x2, [R2] during game play. Lara will scream to confirm correct code entry.

India Jungle: Shortcut
Slide down the track, jumping to grab the log and dispose of the monkey. Jump off the log to the left to grab some shotgun ammunition and a Large Medi Pack. Watch out for the boulder. Continue down the slope and collect the save crystal. Just past the save crystal, vault up onto the stone ledge. A sound will inform you that you have found a secret area. Collect all three items in the area and go towards the tree end. Walk as far on to the bushy area as possible and face the mound that is in your way. Walk carefully to the right hand side of the slightly highest square of ground and face the downwards sloping mound. Save the game. Release "Walk", and take one big step back, then run and jump. If done correctly, you will find yourself on top of the ledge. Work your way forwards and jump the gap; it is smaller than it appears. After awhile you may need to start crawling. When you get to the end, drop down and you should land in front of the gate at the end of the level. However, you need a key. Turn to face the other ledge, at the top of some steps. As you climb up to the top of this ledge, a tiger should appear where you were. Kill it, then go to where the key should be without the shortcut, at the other side of the big long rock. Get the key, kill the monkey, and unlock the end gate.

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