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Game Name : Threads of Fate
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2005-08-14 14:22:31
Views : 21108

Pollywog's scary face
This can be done with Rue only. When you transform into a pollywog, press [X] + [Triangle]. The pollywog will bite, then make a funny and strange looking face.

Defeating Second Valen
As Mint, to use Valiant, wait until Valen is an air animal. Just as he focuses on you, put on your Valiant, let him hit it, then fire. Repeat as needed.

As Rue, wait until Valen is an air animal then attack. The rest of the time, run and block. Repeat this as needed.

Defeating Duke in star costume
The second time you face Duke, he will appear in a star costume (immediately after you speak with Mel). Do not hit Duke while he is standing; hit him while he is on his face. Make sure to only hit Duke once. As soon as you hit him once, he stands up.

The Last Hero
Give the book to Rod to get four strength ups.

Spooky statue
For Rue, give this to Klaude. For Mint, give it to the sales person in the hotel.

Defeating the Skull
When you are running up the stairs away from the Skull boss, run on the inside. You will get a couple levels ahead of him. Jump off and back on the staircase to avoid the spike balls.

To get a lot of skins at once, just go to Gamul Forest and use some magic in front of the generators. They will just keep running into it. This is also a good way to increase your magic. This also works with Rue as a monster.

Rare wine
Give the wine to Hobbs and you will get a drastic price cut on the power ups.

Alternate ending sequence
Complete the game with Mint and Rue. An alternate ending to the game will appear after it has been completed with both characters.

Using Mint, go to Gamul Forest. With the cart, try to get on the tracks that lead you to the pink treasure box. This may require you to hit the switch. When you get to it, you should receive a Brooch. After you get back to the town of Carona, go to Jargen's tavern. Talk to Annette twice, and if you give the Brooch to her, she will give you a discount on the drinks.

Defeating First Valen
Note: This only works with Rue. Make sure you can turn into Jinn when you fight Valen. Turn into him when he finishes talking, and kill his little henchmonster with the Jinn's regular attack. Then, move near Valen (in Claire's body) and use the Jinn's Sonic attack, which will home in on Valen/Claire. If he summons his henchmonster again, kill it with regular attacks. Keep repeating this until Valen is defeated. Note: The henchmonster's Earthquake Jump will not affect you when you are a Jinn.

Hidden opening sequence
Press [L1] or [R1] at the title screen.

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