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Game Name : Harvest Moon : A Wonderful Life
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2004-10-15 15:38:40
Views : 15454

Free Seed Maker
Befriend the scientist by giving him gifts, and he will give you the seed maker for free at the beginning of the second year.

Adopt a cat
Befriend Romona. Somewhere in Chapter 2 and up, Romona will come to your house and let you name and have it.

Find Out Who Loves You
To find out how much the girl of your dreams wants you, look at her diary. You can find Celia's on her bed in the upstairs of her house. For Molly, you can look on the table with the flowers at the Blue Bar. For Nami, follow her to her room at the Inner Inn.

Change chicken gender
Note: This trick only works for a hatching chicken. Do not save the game until you get the gender of chicken that you want. After the chick hatches, reset or turn off the Gamecube. The chick might change to male or female. Note: This may require a few attempts.

Change weather
If it is raining or there is a hurricane, enter the mine and dig. After you are done, the rain or hurricane will be over.

Calling horse
Press R(2) to calls you horse from anywhere outside to you.

Duplicate Ruby Spice
Start cooking in your kitchen and choose any recipe type. Select only Ruby Spice and then press START--you'll have one more Ruby Spice. Repeat the trick to get up to 99 Ruby Spice, but don't create any more than 99. If you do you'll end up not being able to use all your bottles, and won't be able to continue living your Wonderful Life.

Chinese checkers mini-game
If you enter Kassey's house when one of them is there you can sometimes play a mini game that is similar to Chinese checkers.

Tombstone washer mini-game
In Chapter 2, go to Nina's grave at 6:30 a.m. and talk to Garen. You can play the tombstone washer mini game.

Quick rest
Select the "Diary" option and choose to go to sleep. Save the game when asked, then reset the Gamecube. Load that saved game file to resume just before the time you went to sleep, but fully rested.

Chase Away Rain and Hurricanes
When it's stormy outside and you want to stop the rain, visit a mine and do some digging. As you emerge from the mine the rain will stop.

Buy it from Van for 4,000G whenever he has his shop open during Spring.

First, you must buy a pond for 2,500G from Takakura. Then, during Summer of Chapter 2, wake up in the morning at a later time than your wife.

Get New Animals
Cat: befriend Romana and in the second chapter somtime around summer she will give you the cat.

Lizard: Befriend Mukumuku/the yeti and he will give you the lizard. NOTE you can only talk to Mukumuku in the winter.

Chiwawa: BEfriend carter and get all the stone tablets from the excavation site.

Easy Money
This cheat only works when you have a kitchen. make friends with ruby at the inn.you can usually find her at the inn in the morning. after a while, if you go into the kitchen at the inn, she'll ask you if you like to cook. say yes. she'll give you ruby spice. then go to your house and go to the the kitchen like you were going to make a recipe. at the ingredient menu, select the spice and put it in the first slot. the press start to exit the menu. put the spice into your bag then look at your inventory. you should have another spice. keep doing this until you have 99. then sell 98 of them to van(you need one to do it again)you'll make 9800 for them.

Stop The Rain
To stop it from raining just go digging in the excavation site by the waterfall ask to dig then leave and the rain stops for the cut scene where he ask you what you found.

How to Make Hybrid Seeds
After the second year, visit Takakura when he is inside his house between 5:00 pm to 10:00pm to meet Tartan. Tartan is a two headed plant that will make hybrid seeds for you. Give him two different seeds and he'll mix them together to make a new hybrid crop. After this stage you can again mix crops that have already been mixed to make a second generation hybrid crop. These are called rare crops or rare trees.

Name - Made of ... - $/bag - $/fruit (B ranking)
Appage - Banana+Apple - 540G - 40G
Bashber - Watermelon+Potato - 85G - 95G
Bashota - Sweetpotato+Potato - 20G - 85G
Berryber - Watermelon+Strawberry - 65G - 75G
Berryto - Melon+Strawberry - 65G - 75G
Berryto - Sweet potato+Strawberry - 65G - 75G
Berrytoma - Tomato+Strawberry - 45G - 50G
Cabber - Watermelon+Carrot - 70G - 80G
Caberry - Carrot+Strawberry - 40G - 50G
Cady - Tumip+Carrot - 70G - 80G
Camelo - Melon+Carrot - 70G - 80G
Dhibe - Turnip+Strawberry - 30G - 40G
Dhilon - Melon+Turnip - 55G - 65G

Rare Tree - Mixings
Rare Tree 1:
Jurum + Phurum or Phuju
Phurum + Phuju

Rare Tree 2
Magerum + Orange
Gehju + Lanmuge
Jurum + Magenge

Rare Tree 3
Appage + Magenge or Oraphu
Magenge + Oraphu

Rare Tree 4
Magerum + Magenge or Lanmuge
Magenge + Lanmuge

Rare Tree 5
Magerum + Oraphu
Appage + Lanmuge
Phurum + Magenge

Rare Tree 6
Gehju + Oraphu
Appage + Lanmuge
Phurum + Magenge

Rare Tree 7
Magerum + Phuju
Gehju + Phurum
Jurum + Appage

Rare Tree 8
Gehju + Jurum or Orahge
Jurum + Orahhe

Rare Tree 9
Jurum + Oraphu
Phurum + Orahge
Phuju + Lanmuge

Seed Hybrids
When you start the game you'll have to buy all your seeds from Vesta, Marlin or Celia. Once you raise enough money and Takakura offers it to you, you can buy the Seed Maker for 6,000G using the ledger in the food storage building. When Takakura delivers it he will put it in the tool shed. Use your crops to make seeds from. You can either replant these seeds or sell them for a nice profit.

Name - $/bag -$/fruit (B ranking)
Apple - 410G - 25G
Banana - 750G - 35G
Carrot - 15G - 40G
Grapes - 450G - 35G
Melon - 25G - 70G
Orange - 410G - 30G
Peach - 560G - 40G
Potato - 20G - 60G
Strawberry - 15G -35G
Sweet Potato - 20G -60G
Tomato - 15G - 35G
Tumip - 10G - 25G
Watermelon - 30G -75G

Milk processing
After a few years of raising cattle you'll have enough money to buy a Milk Processing room. It costs 60,000G, but is worth every piece of gold. The Milking room makes milking so much easier, it's automatic! You'll need to show your cows where to go by pushing them into the building a few times and from then on they will go in themselves to be milked.

Milk - Grade B - Grade A - Grade S
Normal - 75G - 115G - 150G
Marble - 115G - 175G - 225G
Brown - 115G - 175G - 225G
Star - 270G - 405G - 540G

Butter - Grade B - Grade A - Grade S
Normal - 225G - 225G - 300G
Marble - 225G - 225G - 300G
Brown - 225G - 300G - 300G
Star - 300G - 300G - 300G

Digging for treasure at the excavation site is another way to make some extra money. Catch Carter between 9:00am and 5:00pm to start digging. Go over each square a few times to find some treasure. At the end of each digging day Carter will look over what you've found. He'll swipe anything that he thinks is valuable and leave you with the rest. You can either sell your treasure to Van, sell it yourself, or give it away. Muffy really likes shiny things.

Found Items - Selling price
Black fossil - 300G
Coin - 10G
Fossil - 40G
Gold coin - 10G
Hip Fossil - 60G
Hop Ore - 80G
Horse Statue - 70G
HUman Statue - 40G
Jade Ball - 150G
Moon Ore - 40G
Mysterious tablet - Not for sale
Prosper One - 300G
Silver coin - 40G
Skull fossil - 50G
Stone disc - 500G
Strange fossil - 80G
Strange item - 300G
Sugar one - 50G
Tablet C - Not for sale
Tablet D - Not for sale
Tablet E - Not for sale
Tablet F - Not for sale
Tablet G - Not for sale
Temple Ore - 150G


Fish - Price

Ama - 400G
Big Ama - 800G
Big Colombo - 40G
Big Huchep 170G
Big Nyamame - 130G
Big Rainbob - 150G
Big Sharshark - 1200G
Big Snelt - 160G
Colombo - 20G
Garbage - 0G
Huchen - 90G
Huchep - 90G
Nyamame - 60G
Rainbob - 80G
Sharshark - 600G
Snelt - 30G
Yamame - 60G

Win Celia's Heart
Give Celia a flower every day, and buy seeds from her occassionally. Her diary tells you how she likes you--if it's red, she digs you. You can view her diary on her bed. To marry Celia just give her flowers every day and her hearts will raise quickly. When they are at 4 hearts, give her the blue feather, what you receive from the harvest sprites in your first summer. Do the same for Muffy... Nami is a bit harder. First make the other 2 girls dislike you as much as possible,
then give her lots of stuff from carters excavation site and she likes. Only trick blue flowers that you find in fall, if you don't marry Nami she will leave town, but if you marry her all 3 girls stay.

More Easy money
Buy a Seed Mixer and put in any of the fruit from tree crops. Sell the seeds instead of the fruit to make lots more money. Example: grapes sell for like 35g each but the seeds are 450g each.

Quick Cash
If you are having trouble making money, gather up all of your fodder. Fodder sells for 10 gold a piece and one sell of 99 pieces will get you 990 gold.

Easy Money
To get Easy money buy the fishing pole at Van's shop.You equip the fishing pole and go to the river.There should be a bridge by the farm.To throw the fishing pole in the river press A facing the river.When you feel a little shake don't worry you need to worry about a big shake if you don't feel it you should see water splash.When You see it or feel it rapidly press A if you do right you should catch a fish.Do that a lot and you should make easy money. Note: Van's shop is only open on the 3 and 8 of each month.

Horse race
Save the game, then go to the horse race. Do not bet yet. Make a note of the winners then reset the game. Load the saved game, then bet 99 on the winners. You can get a lot of medals. Also, if you are competing, bet on yourself if you take
extremely good care of your horse. If you win, you will get a lot of medals.

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