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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tenchu : Stealth Assassins

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Game Name : Tenchu : Stealth Assassins
System : Playstation
Date Added : 2004-10-12 15:56:45
Views : 27408

Restore Health
Pause the game and press, Left(2), Down(2), Square(2), Triangle, Square.

Play as anyone in the entire game
First do the play as Onikage code only you don't have to pick Onikage. Just pick any character and hit go. Then run away, when you come back your character will do everything you say. Position your character to be looking at you, jump and hit square in the air and it will hit you. Then pick select camera owner and then pick the last number and you're set. Note: this code is glitchy so don't try to use all different kinds of weapons or the game will freeze.

Play as Onikage
First enter the debug code, access the debug screen, hit "charge item", then "kawarimi", then hit FULL (this item is the "resurrection leaf", Ayame or Rikymaru will have this item so that if they are atacked by an enemy they won't kill them and the game will not end if they are killed). You will be able to play as Onikage in the lever witch he apears:3,6,9 and 10. Enter the debug screen again, choose "layout enemy", then "add", then choose "NINJA", then "pad 1". Then go to the debug screen again, "layout enemy", then "go". Walk in any direction far enough to let the normal play screen reapear Onikage. Now enter the debug screen again, hit "layout enemy", then "select camera owner", then hit the last number the apears on the second page of the "camera owner screen" (except on level 10 witch is number 23 because Onikage is not the final boss of this level). Now you will be able to play as Onikage and see him as if you were playing with Rikymaru or Ayame. You can also add any item to Onikage, except the "grapling hook", but you can use the item "the world" instead, witch will move Onikage to the spot you are amming at. This code can also be use for Lord Meyo (number 24 on level 10 only) or any other enemy that you know the "camera owner" number.

Debug mode
Pause the game, hold L1 + R2 and press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Square, Right, Circle. Release L1 + R2 and press L1, R1, L2, R2. Wait a moment, then press Start followed by L2 + R2. Then, a debug menu that allows invincibility, secret weapons, enemy summoning, toggle enemy AI, FMV sequence skip, and other effects will appear.

Choose from All Items and Specials
At the item selection screen HOLD R1, then press LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE.

Bonus Weapons - Japanese Version
At the weapon selection screen, hold R1 or L2 and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle.

Increased Carrying Capacity - Japanese Version
To hold up to 99 weapons, go to the weapon selection screen, hold L1 and press Up, Up, Down, Down, left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle.

Increased Carrying Capacity - American Version
At the item selection screen HOLD L1, then press LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE.

Increase Number Of Items
At the item select screen hold L2 then press LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, X.

Level Select - Japanese Version
On the stage select screen (levels appears when you've beet them) hold R2 and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle.

Level Select - American Version
Select a character, then hold R2 and press LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, SQUARE, SQUARE, Triangle, Square at the next screen.

Level Layout Select
Here is a code that allows you to select the layout A, B, or C of the level you are going to play. To activate this code, enter the following sequence at the level select screen: While holding R1, press left, left, down, down, square, square, triangle, X.

Two Players
First do the debug mode. Then choose enemy option. Choose any enemy (a level 2 ninja would be thebest). Then choose Pad-2. Then run away from P2. When you see a question mark (near your life bar)run back to P2. Now Player 2 can move the enemy you have selected for him/her. Try level 4 (The checkpoint) at the bridge so you and P2 can fight and knock each other off.

Note:If leave Player 2 he/she will dissapper.
Note:If P2 fall in deep water he/she will drown

Slowmotion mode
After you put in the Debug Menu cheat, use one of the cheats. (ex: add guy, secret weapon) Then if you pause during the game, you can push select as fast as you
want while it is paused to make the game move frame by frame. You can control the ninjas during this.

Alternate Ayame costume
At the item selection screen, press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle. Then, the armor icon will automatically be selected. Now begin
game play as Ayame and select her third costume.

Enable Japanese voices
Select a character, then at the next screen (mission select), hold L1 and press Left, Left, Down, Down, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle. Note: Japanese voice effects
will start after the first level; the narrative will remain in English.

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